Sunday, 6 March 2022

A Faustian Bargain

AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH. I JUST FOUND THIS POST FROM WAY BACK IN 2020 THAT WAS STUCK IN DRAFT AND NEVER ACTUALLY PUBLISHED HERE! WELL, TODAY YOU GET IT! (....and the reason I opened up my blog was because I was about to blog about some of my other stuff, including further work on this project....)


Hi all! Salem here from The Vampire's War Diaries. A Greater Daemon Challenge by the Scale Creep crew! Just the motivation I needed to get one of my old greater daemons painted up, some of which I had made a half-hearted start on back in the early 1990s, many of which were "re-collectings" from recent years to replace ones I had as a kid, and others still were just random purchases because I loved the models. So politely shoving my way in as a fake creeper, I signed myself up to the challenge. But how to choose? Which model will get the love this month? I think this calls for a ..... montage!