Saturday, 15 December 2018

Mighty Kingdoms - Mighty Empires for Kings of War - Part 2

Part 1, the lead-up to this entry, can be found here.

Mantica was on the edge of the abyss. The surging of evil spewed forth untold horror upon the lands, and was defeated only through a mighty alliance of the neutral and good races. Channelling immense sorceries, a great thaw was thrust upon the world again, flooding the abyss and stemming the tide of evil. Balance was restored yet again.

There were repercussions from this, however, not immediately obvious at first. New lands not seen since the time before Winter's grip were now exposed, preserved through the ages by the unnatural magical cold. Far to the north and east of Mantica an undead outpost of the Ahmunites shook off the residual icicles, shuddering into motion again. The current southern Empire of Dust sent a fleet to meet up with their long lost brethren, while many other factions of Mantica raced up to colonise the newly surfaced fertile lands.

In the centre of this region a Kingdom of Men even defrosted, transported from another realm entirely, snap frozen in time, now rising up to conquer a new world - the men of Solland.

The peninsula at the top right in the little green box is where we imagined the campaign took place.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Mighty Kingdoms - Mighty Empires for Kings of War - a kid's dream 25-odd years in the making

As a child in the late 80s into the early 90s I wanted what all cool kids wanted: world conquest. When Mighty Empires got released (the original cardboard tile edition) I jumped on the opportunity. I can not recall whether there was parental nagging or personal saving (via pocket money from parental nagging...), but I scored myself a copy of this great, huge boxed set with a million possibilities inside. My friends and I never really played a full campaign through with miniatures, as the time required meant it inevitably ended up getting packed away before it was done, although we did get a few games in playing it as a board game.

While not all of my miniatures made the trip from the past to the present, presumably being sucked into the warp of chaos or something along the way, my Mighty Empires boxed set did happily come through, and in quite good condition. And now that I had a regular gaming group (albeit for Kings of War, not Warhammer) the idea of playing a Kings of War campaign across a hexy world started to nag at the back of my mind.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Transporting my army

So you've seen those GW cases and you want something nice and solid to keep your army safe. But then you see the prices for new ones, and notice all the second hand ones have one clasp broken for some reason, and you think, "There's got to be a better way!". Well, there is!* 

(* for some values of "better". There will be effort involved.)